

Keilim mikvaot

Reb Chuna's171 GGRNW11
Munk'sThe Riding, GGRNW11
Hager's2 HANW11
rear of Hendon Adath 11 Brent StreetNW4
rear of Hendon UnitedRaleigh CloseNW4


NW London Mikvah, 40 Golders Green Crescent 0208-731-9494 / 457-5900
Hendon Adath Mikvah, 10a Shirehall Lane (Shabbat) 0208-202-7180 / 202-8517
Edgware United Synagogue, Edgware Way 0208-958-3233
Golders Green BH Mikvah, The Riding, NW11 (Shabbat) 0208-455-5118
Kingsbury United Synagogue, Kingsbury Rd 0208-204-6390 / 958-4921


- Ner Yisrael
- Alei Tzion
- listing of times
Please note that Latest Shema is at 09.23am.

Daf Yomi - Ner Yisrael

Mon-Thu 9pm. Sat 1+1/2 hr after Shabbat. Sun/BH 6pm.
Nedarim (91 daf): 23/12/07 - 21/03/08


Shatnez Centre, Brent Street, Hendon. 020 8202 4005

Hatzolo - 020 8806 1123

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